The NH Hotels

The NH Hotels – a group of hotels which has been successfully operating in the market for 35 years. Today it is a benchmark operator of city hotels in Europe and Latin America. It operates in 383 hotels in 30 markets, including top city destinations such as Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bogota, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, Munich, New York, Rome and Vienna.

Find and book your hotel wherever you go!
Perks for working with NH Hotels Group:
  • 0.5 M unique visitors 
  • Numerous offers and deals
  • Affordable prices
  • Great hospitality service
  • 24/7 customer help
  • Numerous promotional materials
  • Weekly updates and newsletters
  • More than 300 hotels in Europe (with significant presence in Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain). More than 50 hotels in America,1 hotel in Africa.
  • GEO: Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, UK, France, Portugal